optgroup要素で、メニューの選択肢(option要素)をグループ化することができます。 この要素はselect要素の中で使用します。. 階層化されたメニューの表示が期待されますが、実際にそのように表示されるブラウザは少ないようです。


Se hela listan på html.am

If the initial value of your v-model expression does not match any of the options, the component (which is a native HTML5

HTML Test Suite for WCAG 2.0. Test 91 - select element must have an associated label . W3C Editor's Draft 2005-08-11

2006-01-23 · The HTML Select menu is notoriously inflexible for designers - as is many other form controls. I will try to remedy this is a small way. I will add a small icon to the left of all options - a different icon for each option.

The most common use case for vue-select is to have the chosen value synced allows you to transform a selected option before it is passed to the @input event. boolean prop, much the same way you would on an HTML